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British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS)

BMFMS logo

Who we are

The British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) aims to improve the standard of pregnancy care by disseminating knowledge, promoting and funding research, contributing to the development and implementation of high-quality training and providing a forum where issues relevant to pregnancy care are discussed.

We focus on four main areas: fetal medicine; maternal medicine; labour and delivery; and outcomes of pregnancy.

What we do

Our ultimate goal is to encourage improved standards of pregnancy care. In particular, we seek to:

  • Disseminate knowledge
  • Promote research and audit
  • Encourage the interface with industry to promote technological advances
  • Establish good quality training programmes
  • Encourage development of clinical guidelines

How we do this

We provide input to relevant RCOG committee and provides advice on maternal and fetal medicine training to the RCOG.

The BMFMS also makes representation to other royal medical colleges and other national bodies/organisations when appropriate.

The Society also aims to develop links to other similar societies based in different geographical locations.

The BMFMS also provides a forum where issues of relevance to obstetricians and other affiliated professionals involved in pregnancy care are discussed.

Contact us

  • President: Katie Morris
  • Treasurer: Tracey Johnston
  • Secretary: Emma Ferriman


