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British Society of Abortion Care Providers (BSACP)

Who we are

The British Society of Abortion Care Providers (BSACP) promotes best practice, education, training and research in abortion care. BSACP is open to anyone involved in the provision of abortion care. Professionals who have already joined as members include doctors, nurses, midwives, counsellors, clinical support workers, managers, academics, researchers and students.

What we do

BSACP serves its members as a multidisciplinary forum for peer support, professional development and networking. BSACP works to raise the profile of the specialty, thereby improving understanding among those responsible for healthcare policy, guidance, commissioning, regulation and training in relation to abortion care.

How we do this

We work to achieve the Society’s aims by:

  • Organising scientific and business meetings at national and regional levels to address clinical and other advances in abortion care
  • Hosting a fully functional website which includes access to a closed confidential forum for discussion between members
  • Providing continuing professional development opportunities
  • Acting as an expert resource for clinical queries and to organisations that produce clinical guidance
  • Providing advice to the UK Government, commissioners and other national bodies on developing and improving abortion care
  • Raising and setting standards of training in abortion care at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels by providing a network of support through discussion, study, communication and exposure to the services and women who need them
  • Promoting the work of and providing support to the abortion care research community
  • Fostering links with the RCOG, FSRH, RCN, RCM and other professional bodies

Contact us

Co-Chairs: Joanne Fletcher and Jonathan Lord

Secretary: Sam Rowlands

Treasurer: Vinita Nair

Membership Secretary: Tracey Masters

Administrator: Janie Foote


Telephone: +44 1243 538106

Address: Union House, 111 New Union Street, Coventry CV1 2NT
