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British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG)

Who we are

The British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG) was founded in 2001 following a request from the RCOG for a urogynaecology society which might assist the College in matters pertaining to the subspecialty. The Society now has approximately 500 members, both full (consultant) and associate (non-consultant).

What we do

The Society’s main function is to set and raise standards in urogynaecology by providing guidelines, training, research and clinical meetings (in conjunction with the RCOG). We aim to:

  • Encourage the study and management of female pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence
  • Raise and set standards of training in urogynaecology by providing a network of support through discussion, study and communication
  • Aid an effective network of care for urogynaecology patients throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland
  • Provide a forum for practitioners with an interest in urogynaecology throughout the UK and Republic of Ireland
  • Train gynaecologists in specialist urogynaecology skills and to oversee continuing medical education
  • Promote the work and provide support to the urogynaecology research community
  • Collect and disseminate information on all matters including epidemiological research and multicentre trials
  • Organise clinical meetings and bring together conference members and, where appropriate, other allied organisations, patient support groups, relevant government bodies, statutory authorities and individuals
  • Arrange and provide for exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars and training courses for the benefit of our members

Contact us

  • Chair: Dr Karen Ward
  • Vice-Chair: Mr Ashish Pradhan
  • Honorary Secretary: Mr Azar Khunda


