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Code of Conduct

This code is intended to provide clear expectations on how members, trainees, professionals and other representatives of the RCOG ('the College') conduct themselves.


This document is intended to provide clear expectations on how members, trainees, professionals and other representatives of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (‘the College’) conduct themselves when working on behalf of the College, engaged in College business, representing the College, or when there are potential implications for the College’s reputation. For members and trainees, this should be followed alongside guidance from the GMC, including Good Medical Practice, and their personal contract and terms & conditions of employment.

All members and trainees will be expected to work in accordance with the Nolan Principles of Public Life (Ref 1) which are: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

This Code of Conduct was developed for the College Council, approved by the Board of Trustees.

The Aim, Objectives and Values of the College

Our Aim is to set standards to improve women’s health and the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in the British Isles and across the world.

Our Objectives are to encourage the study, and advance the science and practice, of obstetrics and gynaecology, in order to benefit women’s health in the British Isles and across the world.

Our Values are trust, inclusiveness, openness, innovation and high standards.

Standards of Conduct

The College’s Standards of Conduct relate to all forms of behaviour and communication including written, verbal, non-verbal, electronic and social media activity (see specific GMC guidance here (Ref 2)). This is relevant when an individual is working on behalf of the College, engaged in College business, representing the College, or when there are potential implications for the College’s reputation.

Members, trainees, professionals and other College representatives all have individual responsibility to maintain the following standards:

  1. Treat others with respect, dignity and consideration.
  2. Recognise and value diversity and individual differences.
  3. Behave with integrity, honesty, kindness and patience.
  4. Be a role model for professional behaviours.
  5. Undertake the work of the College in good conscience and to the best of their ability.
  6. Foster collaborative and supportive working with others.
  7. Hold themselves and others accountable for behaviour that is detrimental to women's health or rights or that might bring the College into disrepute.
  8. Take responsibility for the stewardship of their position, mindful of its impact on others.
  9. Respect the College’s values and rules and be a guardian of the College’s reputation.

An individual should be aware that if they fail to meet the standards of conduct, after full ascertainment of the circumstances, steps may be taken to address her or his behaviour and appropriate sanctions applied.

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Anyone, including members of the public, can raised a complaint with the College.

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about an aspect of the College’s work or conduct, or the work or behaviour of an individual or individuals working for or on behalf of the College, or representing the College.

Complaints are managed through the College’s Complaints Policy and Procedure (Ref 3), which sets out how to make a complaint to the College and how the College will deal with the complaint.

Exams complaints and candidate misconduct are managed through the College’s Examinations Complaints Policy and Procedure (Ref 4), which sets out how to make an exams complaint to the College and how the College will deal with the complaint.

Breaches of our Code of Conduct

Complaints relating to our members, (including allegations of breaches of this Policy), will be resolved through the procedures set out in the Complaints Policy. However, where it is alleged that more serious breaches of standards of conduct have occurred by members, the matter may be referred to the Disciplinary, Removal and Reinstatement Committee (DRRC) in line with College Regulations (Ref 5). The DRRC is a standing committee of Council and is chaired by the Chair of the College’s Women’s Network. Its terms of reference, including membership, scope and procedures are available here (Ref 6).

After investigating the conduct of an individual, the DRRC will deliberate and make the final decision. Decisions may include the removal of College membership; suspension of rights and privileges of membership; suspension of eligibility for election or appointment to an office or committee of the College. In all cases, removal of College membership would be reported to the employer and GMC.

There is an appeals procedure for actions taken under the DRRC process. This is set out within the College Regulations (Ref 5).

Version control:

Approving body: RCOG Board of Trustees

Date of approval: 7th June 2024
