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Your right to be informed

The right to be informed gives you the right to find out how your data is being collected and used.

This right ensures transparency on how your data is processed.

The College is obliged to inform you in our privacy information at the point of collection or in our privacy policy of:

  • Why we need to process your data.
  • How long we intend to keep it.
  • Who we plan to share it with.

If your data has been obtained from another place or organisation and the College is a controller of this information, we must provide you with privacy information no later than one month from the date of collection.

This is not necessary if you already have the privacy information or it involves a disproportionate effort to provide it to you.

You can find further information on the Information Commissioners website:

If you would like to make a request to receive the privacy information for data we have collected from you, please complete our Individual rights form and email it back to us with a copy of your photo ID to 

You can read the College privacy policy on the RCOG website.
