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Your right to erasure

The right to erasure gives you the right to have your personal data deleted.

This is also known as the "right to be forgotten".

The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. You can request to have your personal data erased if:

  • Your personal data is no longer needed for the purpose it was collected or processed
  • You withdraw your consent (where “consent” is the lawful basis for processing)
  • The College is legitimately processing your data as part of the business function, but your right overrides this
  • You do not wish to receive marketing and fundraising correspondence
  • Your personal data has been processed unlawfully
  • The erasure is required as a legal obligation.

You can find further information on the Information Commissioner’s website:

If you would like to request erasure of your data please complete our Individual rights form and email it back to us with a copy of your photo ID to 
