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Data protection statement

The RCOG takes data protection seriously and adheres to UK data protection law governing the collection and management of personal information.

Personal data is all information that relates to an identifiable living person (or “Data Subject”) and that can be used to identify the person directly, or indirectly when used with other information.  It includes but is not limited to:

  • a person's name
  • job title
  • age
  • postal or email address
  • IP address, e.g. online identifier
  • vehicle registration number
  • bank details
  • in addition, any other information that relates to them, e.g. a pseudonym such as a National Training, NHS or hospital number.

We use personal data to fulfil our regulatory and statutory obligations, establish professional expertise and status, as well as to confirm identities for legal or regulatory purposes.  We also use the information provided by individuals to deliver the tailored services and benefits of the RCOG membership package and/or O&G specialist-training programme. These services include:

  • Receiving the latest news and developments in O&G
  • Educational opportunities like eLearning resources, courses and events
  • Update on College activities and opportunities to get involved
  • Access to the CPD and/or Training ePortfolio
  • New and revised clinical guidance and techniques
  • Insight into new journal and research content.

You can withdraw your consent to receive communications at any time by contacting us at and manage your preferences on Google Analytics.

Under no circumstances would we share your information with third parties for marketing or any other purposes without your prior knowledge and consent.

For further advice concerning any aspect of this policy, please contact the Information Governance (IG) Team by email at or call +44 20 7772 6309.
