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Endorsement policy

Our policy on authorising collaborations and endorsements

Endorsement policy for documents produced by third parties

External organisations occasionally ask the RCOG to endorse or support documents or policies in whose development we haven't been involved. The criteria we use to process requests for endorsement or support are as follows:


A large part of our work is in collaboration with other bodies. In these cases we need to reach agreement on conditions and processes at the start of each project.

Such collaborations can’t be assumed, and must be negotiated on a case-by-case basis with the relevant person or department within the College.

See the A-Z list of key contacts at the College.


In general, we don't endorse policies or documents that have been developed without our participation. However, we are flexible and in rare cases will make an exception. Our endorsement gives a document or policy the same status as an RCOG document or policy, so is granted only with the approval of RCOG Council.

We permit use of our name and/or logo or coat of arms on material we endorse. For more information, please email the Marketing team at .


We offer support if a document or policy is relevant to our mission and aims, the group or organisation leading the work is reputable and we are willing publicly to express a positive view about the document or initiative.

We permit use of our name but not our logo or coat of arms on material we support. For more information, please email the Marketing team at .

Silent support

On occasion, we encourage the development of an initiative but won’t be involved in its development or lend our name to the initiative.

We don't permit the use of our name, logo or coat of arms on materials we silently support. For more information, please email the Marketing team at .
