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Franchising policy for RCOG educational courses

Individuals and organisations wishing to hold RCOG branded courses can apply to the RCOG for permission. The necessary information to run these courses will be included in an application pack, which will be supplied on request to the RCOG Meetings teams. Once completed, the application to hold an RCOG approved course will be assessed by the Meetings department, with appropriate input from other RCOG departments as necessary.

Principles of the franchising policy

  • All courses support the RCOG curriculum at the appropriate level.
  • The franchised organisation, course content and method of delivery must be approved in advance by the RCOG.
  • The course faculty must consist of trainers approved by the RCOG.
  • The RCOG will supply course certificates to the delegates who have attended and all delegates will be required to complete the RCOG feedback questionnaire, which will be sent directly back to the RCOG.
  • All course materials and documentation to run the course will be provided by the RCOG.
  • The franchised organisation will be entitled to use RCOG branding for the course.
  • The RCOG will initially inspect courses to ensure adherence to the required standard.
  • RCOG franchised courses may be advertised free of charge in specific RCOG marketing resources, both online and in print.
    30% of the delegate fee will be paid to the RCOG to support the quality assurance process. Alternative funding arrangements may be possible, depending on circumstances and requirements.
  • Applicants should contact the Meetings team.

Organisation of UK and international courses

The following is applicable to all franchised courses.


  • The Convenor is the person who organises the course and is responsible for its running. He/she will choose the course leads and advise on faculty.
  • The Convenor bears ultimate responsibility to ensure RCOG policies are met, guidelines are followed and revenue is collected and sent to the RCOG.
  • Convenors will be chosen primarily from UK Fellows and Members, although Fellows and Members outside the UK should be encouraged to become course leads and, ultimately, convenors.

Course Leads

  • The Course Lead should be an experienced teacher/trainer who has taught on several teaching/training courses. CVs may be required.
  • Each Course Lead would be responsible for organising and teaching on at least one course held at the RCOG and a minimum of one other course held in their local area.


The Trainers will be recruited by Course Leads and will be required to teach a minimum of one course held in their local area and participate at a course held at the RCOG if required.

RCOG courses held internationally

  • International courses should follow UK programmes.
  • One or occasionally two Convenors/Course Leads should initially attend each international course to establish a group of Trainers and offer advice on preferred methods for course delivery.

International faculty will be ‘created’ by:

  • Running international courses under supervision/assessment by the appropriate UK Convenor/Course Lead.
  • It may be possible in certain circumstances for the RCOG to partially fund travel expenses of UK Convenors/Course Leads who will initially run the international course.
  • Alternatively, international Course Leads will have the opportunity to apply for funding, in the form of travel expenses, to attend a Training the Trainers course to be held at the RCOG.

Where there are concerns about a course, its organiser may be asked to participate in an RCOG course in the UK.

Guidelines for running courses


Courses are based on the current RCOG curricula and exam syllabuses.

Host organisation and venue

Organisations wishing to run RCOG franchised courses should complete the RCOG course application pack, giving full details of the proposed course, venue, faculty and contacts.


The Convenor and Course Lead must approve all Trainers for RCOG franchised courses. A full list of teachers and trainers running the course should be submitted with the application.

It is important that UK Course Leads teach at least one course per year which is held at the RCOG, to keep up to date with any developments.

An RCOG inspector may attend a course periodically to ensure that standards are maintained. If feedback indicates that a course is not delivered to standard, the College is eligible to attend and evaluate the course in question.

The course package

Once an organisation/hospital has been approved, a course pack will be provided with the following information:


Branding includes use of all RCOG templates and the words ‘RCOG’ in the course title. Course certificates will be issued by the RCOG.

Course materials

Course materials, such as participant manuals, will be provided by RCOG either in print or as electronic files so that local printing arrangements can be made, if preferred. The cost of materials will be included in the delegate fee. All material is RCOG copyright protected and should be used only for the duration of the organised course. All Course Leads will be expected to sign a statement adhering to the RCOG terms and conditions of copyright. Improper use of RCOG course materials without application will be investigated by RCOG.

Training materials

Lecture presentations, videos and additional course requirements will be provided via the RCOG website.


RCOG franchised courses will be entitled to use specified College marketing opportunities at no charge. The advert will include date, venue, course leader and administrative contact free of charge on a selection of RCOG marketing resources, both online and in print. Should extra words and display advertisements be required, these may be charged at an agreed rate.

Booking arrangements

The Course Leads will be expected to inform the RCOG of the minimum number of delegates attending each course. RCOG will invoice the Centre after the course and payment must be received 30 days after receipt of invoice. All certificates will be issued following full payment for the course. If you do not reach your minimum numbers 8 week prior to the course, you will need to consider cancelling the course.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please email the events team  or call +44 20 7772 6245.
