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Social media policy

The RCOG’s policy for the use of social media

Why we use social media

The RCOG uses social media to communicate and engage with all of our stakeholders, including our membership, other people and organisations working in women’s health, decision-makers and the general public.

Our social media channels enable us to reach a far wider audience than our traditional means of communication, helping to expand the reach and impact of our work to improve women’s health care in the UK and worldwide.

Our social media channels

Our social media channels are:


We use Twitter to:

  • Provide followers with up-to-date information about RCOG news and activity
  • Share women’s health news, new O&G-related research and wider health news from the UK and globally
  • Promote the RCOG’s philanthropic and global health work
  • Engage with the patient and public community


We use Facebook to:

  • Showcase a broad range of the College’s activities, including learning and development opportunities, our global health work and fundraising activities
  • Highlight useful and time-sensitive information, such as the publication of new clinical guidance or the opening of exam applications
  • Provide our members and other stakeholders with an alternative to more formal methods of communication with the College.


We use our LinkedIn company page to post important news about the RCOG that needs to be conveyed to a wide professional audience.


We monitor and update our social media accounts during UK office hours, Monday to Friday.

Messages and replies

We welcome feedback, ideas and engagement from all our followers. We are not able to reply individually to all the messages we receive on social media, but we do read all tweets, direct messages and comments and pass these on to other colleagues as appropriate.

More formal ways of contacting the College are available in the contact section of the website.

Interactions with other social media users

Being ‘liked’ by or followed by the RCOG on any social media platform does not imply endorsement of any kind.

Advertising on social media

Most social media platforms provide a free service to their users, funded by advertising. This means you may see adverts when you access our social media accounts. These adverts are selectively targeted and paid for by third parties.

The RCOG does not receive any income from these adverts, has no involvement in placing the adverts and is not able to block specific adverts from appearing on our accounts.

Social media guidelines

RCOG Fellows, Members, Trainees and Associates wishing to use social media to post on College activity should be mindful of the College’s published Code of Conduct policy. This document sets clear expectations on how members, trainees, professionals and other representatives of the RCOG ('the College') conduct themselves, including via social media channels.

RCOG staff who contribute to and monitor our social media channels are expected to follow our social media guidelines, available on the College intranet.

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments on our social media activities, please contact us on
