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Volunteering policy

Our Volunteering Policy outlines our commitment to supporting our volunteers and adopting best practice in volunteer management.

Policy statement

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) recognises and values the contribution of volunteers in helping us to achieve our mission to improve women’s health and healthcare worldwide, through our global education, clinical quality and influencing abilities.

It is recognised that a thriving and engaged volunteer base is essential to the delivery of the College’s work and supports the RCOG as a vibrant, modern professional membership body. The RCOG is therefore committed to supporting volunteers and adopting best practice in volunteer management.

This policy is applicable to all volunteers and employees. It supersedes all other volunteering policies and agreements across the College.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the RCOG’s commitment to supporting volunteers and adopting best practice in volunteer management, as well as in managing volunteer expectations. It supports managers to adopt a policy of fair and equal treatment that safeguards the interests of volunteers and the RCOG.

The RCOG’s areas of activity depend on many different types of volunteers, including members (Fellows, Members, Trainees, Associates and Affiliates), who give their time freely. Specific contributions include Trustees, Officers, examiners, Council, Board and committee members, event speakers, media spokespeople, and those that provide support to global health programmes.

Other voluntary activity includes support to College activity by non-members who provide specialist advice, lived experience and other support to our work.


Volunteers are not employees of the RCOG. A volunteer is a person who undertakes tasks at the direction of and on behalf of the RCOG, without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of volunteer duties. It is essential for both the volunteer and RCOG that this is strictly adhered to and that no payments or payments in kind are made, however small, to volunteers, and any expenses reimbursement is for the precise amount incurred.

If it is not clear whether the role is a volunteer role or a remunerated role, clarity must be obtained before entering into discussions with the volunteer, and if it is to be a remunerated role it should be referred to the People Team for taking forward.

Volunteers include people who have an active interest in the work of the RCOG, people with lived experience such as O&G service users, Fellows, Members, trustees and associated professionals who wish to support and promote our activities and services. Volunteers serve on College Boards and Committees, support particular projects or activities, and also support with ad hoc routine work.

Volunteers add value to the College and their time and expertise should be respected. They are a valued part of the team, supporting the diversity of ideas, and bringing new skills and experience to the delivery of the College’s strategy.

The definition of volunteer does not include anyone who is undertaking a role as a paid intern, in an honorary contract or where a secondment agreement is in place, for example with a partner NHS Trust or Health Board.

The volunteer does not have to accept the offer of a placement and may withdraw before or after the placement has started. Whilst the College is under no obligation to offer the volunteering placement, we welcome those who wish to offer their services and place great value on the contribution they make.

The RCOG’s Commitment

The RCOG will:

  • Value volunteering as integral to our work at all levels and recognise the ‘gift in time and expertise’ from volunteers as critical to our success.
  • Distinguish volunteering from employment and put flexibility and informality to best effect to complement the work of paid staff.
  • Appreciate that volunteering can change and enrich the lives of the women and public who benefit from our work as well as the volunteers themselves.
  • Volunteer involvement within the College will take account of the individual experiences, attributes and competencies that volunteers bring ensuring they are recognised and that they have opportunities to develop them.
  • Respect volunteers by both listening and learning from what they have to say.
  • Value and respect the individual by providing equal access to opportunities for active involvement within the scope of the College.
  • Value volunteering as an inclusive act of participation, particularly from member volunteers, that is itself important in promoting the work of the College.
  • Put in place flexible recruitment arrangements to recognise the different levels of time commitment given by volunteers.


The RCOG acknowledges the need for a clear and consistent organisational framework for voluntary involvement that creates a positive climate for development.

Directors are responsible for the effective engagement, induction and deployment of volunteers within the department or project and their day to day activities. Volunteers will be informed who to approach for support and have regular access to that person.

Although volunteers offer time freely and willingly, without binding or contractual obligation, there is a presumption of mutual support and reliability, as well as attainment of the ‘high standards’ which is one of the RCOG’s values.

Key staff contact / relationship manager

  • Gain approval for the engagement of a volunteer from their Executive Director.
  • Generate a role description which clarifies expectations for the role including term of office, time commitment, compliance with the College’s Code of Conduct (Members and Representatives), confidentiality, management of conflicts of interest and, where applicable, confirmation of good standing with the relevant regulator including the need to inform the College if they are removed from, or have conditions applied on, a Medical Register in any country.
  • Work with the People Team and, where relevant, the Membership Team to run a fair, open and inclusive recruitment process tailored to the volunteering opportunity as applicable.
  • Ensure approval of the appointment is obtained from the relevant College approving body in line with the College’s Schedule of Delegation and Reservation.
  • Manage the onboarding and induction programme including a briefing on health and safety, data protection, values, Code of Conduct, Equal Opportunities Statement, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, anti-bribery, anti-money-laundering, anti-fraud and the receipt and storage of the appropriate agreements such as a signed Confidentiality Agreement and Declaration of Interests and Good Standing and any annual renewal of this.
  • Clarify and if necessary make special insurance arrangements if any activity falls outside of the standard cover or when any significant new activity or risk is identified.
  • Oversee objective setting, development of a work plan and regular reviews where appropriate while reflecting that performance management for volunteers differs to that of remunerated roles.
  • Ensure the CRM is updated with a record of the volunteer’s role.

Membership Team:

  • Oversee an annual committee appointment process for relevant appointments
  • Provide advice to line relationship managers on running a fair and open appointment process

Governance Team:

  • Oversee elections for Council and Officers and support the Nominations and Remuneration Committee in the appointment of Trustees and independent members to Board-led committees.
  • Provide advice to relationship managers on running a fair and open appointment process and suitable induction and training.

People Team:

  • Check HMRC tax (IR35) status, if necessary.
  • Ensure that the appointee receives appropriate RCOG volunteer induction materials.

The College does not specify an upper age limit for volunteers and recognises the valuable contribution those of all ages make in terms of knowledge and experience. However, the College must comply with any external regulations regarding volunteers such as the GMC regulations regarding examiner eligibility. Furthermore college insurance arrangements only cover volunteers up to the age of 80. The College Safeguarding Policy and associated risk assessment will be applied for any volunteering by children (under 16) or young people (aged 16 to 18).

Volunteer Appointments 

Whether in response to direct recruitment drives, or as an unprompted gesture, all volunteering enquiries will receive a prompt and welcoming response which reflects the value that the College attaches to volunteers.

All volunteers must go through a fair and transparent local selection process appropriate in scale for the role they are applying for. Where a formal application and interview process is not deemed necessary this must be agreed with the People and/or the Governance Team, as appropriate. Volunteers will be selected based on their skills, experience, interests, and availability as per the requirements of the particular placement/role. This process will be managed locally by relationship managers (however, in the event that any queries or advice requirements arise, managers should get in touch with a member of the People and/or Governance Team, as appropriate). The College welcomes volunteers from diverse backgrounds to better represent the diversity of the profession and those they serve.

The RCOG has no obligation to accept volunteers and reserves the right to refuse any applicant. In addition, the RCOG has the right to suspend or end the voluntary arrangement if a medically qualified volunteer is removed from or has conditions applied on a Medical Register in any country or for allegations (suspension) or upheld investigations (removal) relating to conduct which is not in line with the RCOG Code of Conduct or RCOG Regulations.

Applications should consist of a current CV and covering letter expressing interest in undertaking a volunteer placement, expectations and the time commitments they are willing to make.

Volunteers will be asked to sign an agreement which is relevant to the nature and type of their voluntary engagement with the College. 

Should the volunteer wish to end the appointment ahead of the end of the term of office, volunteers are asked to provide reasonable written notice to allow the RCOG sufficient time to make arrangements to fill the role or reallocate any tasks. It is recognised there will need to be some flexibility due to unforeseen circumstances.

To note that the appointment of RCOG Trustees is carried out in line with Charity Commission guidance and the Nominations and Remuneration Committee leads the appointment process.

Training and Development

New volunteers, whatever their role, will receive appropriate induction and training. This may include the requirements of the placement, core skills and knowledge required for the role, health and safety, information governance, equality, diversity and inclusion and other topics, as necessary.

Opportunities for further support and development will be provided on an ongoing basis for any volunteers who wish to participate.

Volunteer Support

Information for volunteers and staff relationship managers will be made available through the intranet (where applicable).

Volunteers can discuss and review their input, raise matters of concern and make suggestions for positive improvements with their relationship manager.

In the event of volunteers ending their involvement with the RCOG, the relationship manager will offer appropriate recognition and thanks, demonstrating how their input has been valued.


The RCOG provides Employers Liability, Public Liability, Travel and Professional Indemnity cover for all volunteers whilst working on Colleges activities. The RCOG does not provide motor insurance cover. The insurance will not cover unauthorised actions or actions outside the volunteering agreement. Our standard cover is for volunteers who are:

  • 16-80 years of age
  • Working on clerical or non-manual work

The cover does not include travel undertaken to/from areas the FCDO advices against all travel to, or where war or major disturbances are reported in progress. The volunteer’s relationship manager / key staff contact will need to make special insurance arrangements if any activity falls outside of the standard cover or when any significant new activity or risk is identified.

Misconduct and Complaints

All volunteers are asked to abide by RCOG Values and the RCOG Code of Conduct (Members and Representatives). This relates to all forms of behaviour and communication including written, verbal, non-verbal, electronic and social media activity. This is relevant when an individual is working on behalf of the College, engaged in College business, representing the College, or when there are potential implications for the College’s reputation. Additionally, the College expects members to uphold these standards of conduct in all professional contexts.

The RCOG strives to provide a professional, respectful and timely service in all our interactions with volunteers and is committed to adhering to policies and procedures. However, the College recognises that on occasion services may fall short of expectations; and the conduct of a College member, trainee, staff or representative might fall below expectations.

Any problem arising from either side should be resolved through informal discussion, either with the relationship manager / key staff contact or Senior Manager/Executive Director within the reporting line. If the issues prove to be irreconcilable, or if the voluntary placement does not prove to meet the required expectations, either party has the option to terminate the arrangement without notice. Normally, however, one weeks’ notice is expected to be given by either party to terminate the arrangement in these circumstances.

It should be noted that the College has a Complaints Policy which can be found at:

Volunteer expenses

Reimbursement of travel expenses will be made to volunteers at regular intervals: receipts of travel expenditure will be required in line with our travel and expenses policies. Expenses must not be reimbursed by way of a regular allowance.

Approved September 2024
