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Quality improvement, clinical audit and research projects

Quality improvement, audit, and research projects hosted by Clinical Quality

One of the RCOG’s strategic goals is to “leverage our strong brand and world-renowned reputation to develop partnerships and influence UK and international policy to improve women’s health globally.” One aspect of meeting this goal is through the quality improvement, audit, and research projects hosted by Clinical Quality.

The Clinical Quality team work in partnership to develop and deliver quality improvement projects based on robust methodologies including, but not limited to, care bundles, service evaluations and implementation tools. Alongside this, we conduct high quality clinical audit and informatics projects using real-time data and large data sets, to produce evidence-based analyses of clinical issues.

Current projects

The OASI care bundle

This programme was a collaboration between the RCOG, Royal College of Midwives, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, with funding provided by the Health Foundation.

Clinical Quality commitment to Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

The RCOG has a number of mechanisms to ensure women, birthing people and families are at the heart of all the work we do. These mechanisms and the commitment Clinical Quality makes to Patient and Public Involvement can be found in the following document.

Previous projects

Lindsay Stewart Trustees

Since 2014, the College – through the Lindsay Stewart Centre for Audit and Clinical Informatics – has delivered pioneering quality improvement projects and audits that have transformed the quality of services in obstetrics, gynaecology and maternity care.

Following on from the successes of Each Baby Counts, the National Maternity and Perinatal Audit and the OASI Care Bundle, we identified potential to expand the scope of our work and the RCOG Centre for Quality Improvement and Clinical Audit was launched in 2019.

The RCOG Centre continues to carry out high-quality clinical audit and quality improvement projects in women’s and girls’ healthcare that will:

  • drive positive change in health service provision
  • improve outcomes for girls, women and their families
  • inform and influence policy
  • improve the quality of care in women’s health

We would like to thank the Lindsay Stewart Trustees for their continued support of our projects.
