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EBC L&S logo

The aim of Each Baby Counts + Learn & Support (EBC L&S) was to improve maternity care by focusing on the working practices of the multidisciplinary maternity team.

Over the course of 3 years, multi-professional teams in 16 units around the country worked together to develop, test, and refine interventions that can be adopted in every unit around the country to improve clinical escalation.

This toolkit contains everything you need to understand the background to the programme and implement these solutions.

Safety thinking toolkit

The EBC L&S programme was underpinned by a sound understanding of human factors and safety thinking

Escalation toolkit

Strategies and tools including Teach or treat, Advice Inform Do (AID), and Team of the shift

Each Baby Counts + Learn & Support evolved from recommendations made by our original Each Baby Counts programme.

We want the UK to become known as the safest place in the world to give birth.

Recurrent reports have indicated that improved culture in maternity will contribute towards better care and outcomes for women and babies.

Around 700,000 babies are born in the UK every year. The vast majority are born safely, but more than 1,000 will die or suffer a brain injury during or shortly after term labour. Many of these cases are preventable, and failures in clinical escalation have been highlighted in multiple reports.

This report recommended a systematic approach to address human factors in order to improve outcomes, and Each Baby Counts Learn and Support set out to do this.
