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Further training opportunities

Open access learning plan

The RCOG Genomics Taskforce has developed an open-access 3-step learning plan using a wealth of online tutorials and workshops. There are specialist lectures from the UK and overseas, as you are directed through the basics of genetics and genomics, onto genomics applied to healthcare, and finally, to O&G specific and subspeciality education. These resources are presented in an easy to digest format.

The RCOG has brought together a collection of video and audio podcasts, designed for clinicians to discover more about the use of Genomics in maternity and gynaecological care.

Structured, but self-guided, online learning is available through platforms such as Futurelearn. ‘The Genomics Era: the Future of Genetics in Medicine’ is a great foundation course about the growing role of genomics in healthcare for diagnosis, treatment and disease prevention. Run by a team at St George’s, University of London, the 5-week online course requires around 2 hours of study per week and is accessible for everyone.

Genomic Medicine Master’s framework

For those interested in a more formal educational path, or looking to gain skills as part of professional development or subspeciality training, HEE offers funding for its university-led genomic medicine programme for healthcare professionals in the UK. Students can opt to participate in individual 15-credit continued personal and professional development (CPPD) modules or combine modules to obtain a postgraduate certificate (60 credits), diploma (120 credits) or a full master’s qualification (180 credits).

These programmes are offered through several universities in the UK and are often completed on a part-time basis alongside clinical work. The courses aim to support learning and understanding of genomics and its application to clinical practice and medical research, as well as improve engagement with and education of students, colleagues, and patients.

Work is underway to develop a women’s health module to run within the Master’s framework. This will be aligned with principles and practical skills required for all staff working within O&G and will be available for completion as a standalone module or as part of one of the above qualifications. 

HEE funding for the Genomic Medicine MSc is available at the following institutions:

Individuals should apply directly to the institution, which will guide them to appropriate funding paperwork after successful application.

