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Genomics resources and learning plan

These resources act as a learning platform for individual use, in your own time and at your own pace.

They are closely integrated with the Genomics Education Programme offered through Health Education England, which has resources for professionals, that may also be of interest to members of the public.

Our aim is to use their expertise and learning material and tailor it for our specialty – obstetricians, gynaecologists, midwives and subspecialists – and for the women we serve. Material has been added that the RCOG Genomics Taskforce has sourced and reviewed.

The resources have also been reviewed by a panel of consultants and trainees for approval.

Training and CPD: See below for important details on using these resources towards your training or CPD.

RCOG Genomics podcasts: Genomics in the subspecialties of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

This series of video and audio podcasts has been created by the RCOG for clinicians to provide an introduction into the use of genomics in O &G and maternity care and to gain key insights into the clinical delivery of genomics in Women’s healthcare.


Part 1: New to Genomics

An introduction to genomics, explaining the difference between genetics and genomics, and how the NHS has embraced genomics as part of its healthcare strategy.


Part 2: Essential Basic Genomics in Healthcare

For those with limited exposure to genomics in their clinical roles. Contains a variety of courses and sites which are pertinent to the use of genomics in practice.

Part 3: Intermediate genomics: Essential for all current trainees

An appropriate starting place for consultants and SAS doctors already aware of the power of genomics in their fields, and for trainees who have been exposed to genomics as part of their basic education and training. This is the level to which all members should aspire in the future.

Part 4: Advanced Genomics will follow in the future. These resources will be more subspecialty-based to provide the most up to date information in the field, and encourage trainees to undertake a Postgraduate Certificate in Genomics in Medicine and hopefully consider a proposed MSc in Reproductive (Transgenerational) Genomics.


Training and CPD

These resources can all count towards your training or CPD.

For training, it can be used by your trainers as part of workplace-based assessments.

As CPD for registered RCOG Fellows, Members and Associates, you should record the study you do as a Formal Learning Event:

  • 1 credit can be recorded for the online course and we strongly recommend that you add a reflection on your learning (1 CPD credit may be claimed for the reflection).
  • In addition, 1 credit is claimable for action following the learning.
  • To claim credits for action, the individual needs to demonstrate how they have applied their learning to their practice, the service they provide and/or the potential impact of the learning.
  • In the description of the Learning Event, you could provide a link to the online course