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The OASI2 study

Evaluating sustainability and scale-up of the OASI Care Bundle

Following OASI1, the Health Foundation awarded further funding to the RCOG and RCM to support the scale-up of the OASI Care Bundle in OASI2.

The aim of the OASI2 study was to support the sustainability of the OASI Care Bundle in maternity units that participated in OASI1, as well as evaluate strategies for introduction of the care bundle in new maternity units.

OASI2 involved 10 of the maternity units that participated in OASI1 plus 19 new maternity units across England, Scotland and Wales. 

The OASI2 study team evaluated several measures in participating maternity units over the course of the study.

  • The primary measures were OASI rates (clinical outcome) and adoption of the care bundle into routine practice (implementation outcome).
  • Secondary measures included episiotomy and caesarean section rates, alongside women and clinicians’ perspectives on the care bundle and the way in which it was adopted in their maternity unit.

Project design and objectives

Watch the video below to learn more about the study’s design and objectives, which was shared at the Third UK Implementation Science Research Conference hosted by King’s College London and supported by NIHR ARC South London in July 2020.

Study protocol and regulatory approvals

As a research study, the OASI2 team obtained approval from the Health Research Authority to carry out its work in the NHS. You can read more about the study by downloading the study protocol below:

Read the study protocol
