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About the Centre

Why us

Our Centre is led jointly by the RCOG and the RCM who together represent the entirety of the UK maternity workforce.

Add to this the broad expertise and experience brought by our academic and charitable partners and our dedicated Women's Involvement Group.

Together we can achieve our ambitious aims to provide modern personalised care for every pregnant woman, no matter where she lives.

Why now

  • The current risk assessment is around 50 years old. It is paper/digital notes based and asks only for the presence of certain risk factors. It does not investigate the interaction of those risk factors. It does not provide a numerical risk. It is time to modernise maternity care.
  • There are 92 NICE guidelines for Obstetric care alone, each including 10-15 recommendations or more. Navigating digital/paper-based notes takes time and something key could be missed at a critical moment. We can do better to help guide clinical decision support through digital innovation to ensure our maternity care professionals can access at a glance, the right information at the right time and through this, be equipped to offer the right care at the right time.

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