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About the project

Our project aims to identify the most pressing unanswered questions in the health of women and people from the perspective of members of the public themselves.

The topics that may be covered within this work are broad ranging and could include:

  • Gynaecological conditions
  • Fertility and early pregnancy
  • Obstetrics and maternity care
  • Abortion
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Health during older age

Watch this short video to learn more about the WHRP project and how you can contribute to this important initiative.

Get involved

Your insights are vital to shaping the future of health research for women and people. The RCOG recognises that women and people from all ethnic groups must be involved in the development of services and in research, to ensure healthcare is anti-racist and fit for all. The College is committed to ensuring that women and people from diverse backgrounds across the UK have access to be able to take part in this project.

Take part by completing the survey or contacting the project team to express your interest.

Project team

The project is being led by Professor Asma Khalil, RCOG Vice President for Academia and Strategy, supported by a dedicated team:

Clinical Research Fellows:

  • Dr Thomas Hanton
  • Dr Kelsey Lennox
  • Dr Sofia Gron

Steering Group: a diverse advisory group providing strategic direction and ensuring inclusivity. Members include women and people with lived experience and health professionals.


  • Mrs Jane Plumb
  • Dr Matina Iliodromiti
  • Professor Shakila Thangaratinam
  • Dr Fionnuala Mone
  • Professor Lucilla Poston
  • Dr Sujeewa Fernando
  • Dr Abi Merriel
  • Professor Colin Duncan
  • Professor Laura Magee
  • Professor Peter von Dadelszen
  • Ms Freya El Baz
  • Dr Michalina Drejza
  • Professor Wessel Ganzevoort
  • Dr Sanne Gordjin

Our partners

The following organisations have joined us as WHRP project partners - a supportive group of stakeholders with an interest in this work, who collectively commit to sharing and promoting the project within their respective networks:

Contact the project team

Interested in hearing more about the project or have a question you’d like to ask?
