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RCOG strategy

RCOG's aims, values, and strategic goals for improving women’s health worldwide.

Mission statement

Our aim is ‘to set standards to improve women’s health and the clinical practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in the British Isles and across the world’.

We encourage the study, and advance the science and practice, of obstetrics and gynaecology.

We value innovation, high standards, inclusiveness, trust and openness.

Strategic goals 2020-25

Our strategic plan for 2020-25 sets out ambitious plans for growth in membership, reach and impact.

Our ultimate aim is to achieve the scale necessary to deliver our ambition of improving women’s health and healthcare worldwide, through our global education, clinical quality and influencing abilities.


1. We will develop our membership offering to best meet the needs of our members globally and the women they serve and expand our reach across the international O&G community

Activities will include:

  • Developing and implementing strategies for increasing membership reach, engagement and satisfaction
  • Ensuring our membership offering is fit for purpose for both UK and international members
  • Working with International Representative Committees, Liaison Groups, International Council Representatives, specialist societies and devolved nation committees to tailor our work to different regions within the UK and globally
  • Increasing capacity and demand for our MRCOG (membership) and DRCOG (diploma) exams worldwide
  • Developing and implementing a pilot overseas accreditation model for education and training
  • Continually reviewing and developing RCOG curricula and training to ensure we are meeting future workforce needs in O&G

2. We will leverage our strong brand and world-renowned reputation to develop partnerships and influence UK and international policy to improve women’s health globally

Activities will include:

  • Identifying key policy priorities for post-COVID women’s health services in the UK, including priorities from the College’s 2019 policy document Better for Women, a cross-College maternity safety narrative, and the College’s workforce agenda
  • Establishing a Task Force to address disparities in health outcomes for BAME women in the UK, and to tackle racism within the O&G profession
  • Piloting the use of existing global health projects to influence women’s health policy and practice outside the UK
  • Delivering the Making Abortion Safe initiative in Africa, increasing the capacity of healthcare professionals to address the barriers to safe abortion and/or postabortion care for women and girls globally
  • Diversifying partnerships to maximise the ability of RCOG activities to influence women’s health policy nationally and internationally
  • Scoping the opportunities to develop a revised review service, underpinned by a financially sustainable operating model, which supports improvement to O&G services and meets the demands of UK health system requirements.

3. We will become more resilient, accessible and influential through the delivery of a comprehensive digital transformation programme to ensure our research, educational and clinical products have benefit globally and drive up standards in women’s health

Activities will include:

  • Digitally transforming our exams, events and other educational products to support training and lifelong learning for our members worldwide
  • Using digital technology to enhance the reach and accessibility of clinical quality resources
  • Scoping opportunities to improve membership engagement and peer-to-peer support via digital platforms
  • Launching a new website and new customer relationship management (CRM) system, accompanied by new ways of working across the organisation
  • Exploring opportunities for tailoring educational and clinical products for use in low resource settings
  • Undertaking an ambitious cross-College digital transformation programme

4. We will ensure our financial and environmental sustainability through delivery of all of the above objectives and contribute to a significantly reduced carbon footprint

Activities will include:

  • Reducing expenditure and the environmental impact of RCOG exams through a digital model
  • Streamlining and digitising operations where possible, while enhancing engagement opportunities with members and other stakeholders
  • Using our brand and reputation to capitalise on external funding opportunities to support the sustainability of core products and activities
  • Diversifying income streams, including maximising the commercial potential of our Union Street premises
  • Reviewing and updating financial processes, policies and strategies
  • Reviewing all activity in terms of environmental impact and support for our equality, diversity and inclusion agenda

