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Annual Academic Award

This award recognises distinguished service to academic obstetrics and gynaecology

Nominees are recognised for their outstanding contribution to the academic aspects of our speciality (scientific discovery, pre-clinical and clinical research, academic education and training).
The recipient of the award will be invited to give a keynote lecture at the 2025 Annual Academic Meeting (expenses provided).

Award eligibility

  • Outstanding contribution to the academic aspects of our speciality (scientific discovery, pre-clinical and clinical research, academic education and training)
  • UK RCOG Fellows or Members, Fellow ad eundem or others of equivalent academic distinction (professorial level), at the discretion of the Academic Board

Award exclusions

Current members of the Academic Board.

Nominators eligibility

  • Nominators to be UK Fellows
  • Nominees can self-nominate with the support of two UK Fellows

Nomination and selection process

  • Each nomination must have the support of two nominators
  • The nominators (or nominee in the case of self-nomination) are expected to submit a one-page written statement (no more than 300 words) and an abbreviated three-page CV
  • There is no limit to how many names can be put forward but all must have a written statement (no more than 300 words) and a three-page abbreviated CV to be eligible

How to nominate

This award is currently closed for applications. 


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