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EGA Hospital Charity Travelling Fellowship in Memory of Anne Boutwood

Through the generosity of The EGA Hospital Charity, we are able to award a prize of £5,000 to one UK doctor in training in the field of O&G. This award is in memory of Miss Anne Boutwood FRCOG.



A prize of £5,000. Previous projects funded have ranged from obstetrics work in Sierra Leone to biomedical engineering at Harvard. 


The Fellowship is awarded to a UK postgraduate doctor in training to facilitate international travel, to enable research or training for the purposes of personal development and to enhance the awardee’s contribution to the specialty of obstetrics and gynaecology.


The award may only be used for the purpose outlined in your original application.

Travel must take place within 12 months of receiving the award.

The winner is required to submit a report within eight weeks of completion of the Fellowship describing their experiences and what they learned. Word limit for the final report is 1,000 words. There will also be an opportunity to hold a presentation of your Fellowship experience at one of our UCLH meetings, usually the Institute for Women's Health Annual Conference.

How to apply

This award is currently closed for applications. 

Applications were hosted on the Oxford Abstracts platform. Please register for an account using your email address. 

For further guidance on how to submit your application, please see Oxford Abstracts' guidance on making a submission.

As part of your application you will be required to submit the following:

  • A document describing programme details, objectives and benefits, including a ley summary
  • A two page CV
  • A letter of support confirming the placement from the host institution
  • Any other documents of support, for example from supervisors in current setting