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Ethicon Travel Award

The RCOG, with the kind and generous support of Ethicon, is pleased to offer this travel award of up to £2,000.


The RCOG can offer up to £2,000.


Open to RCOG Members and doctors in training in the UK, this award is given to develop skills and knowledge learned while taking part in an international placement.


The successful applicant will have submitted a well-articulated and well-planned application outlining the purpose and objectives of their trip and will provide detailed information about the work they would carry out during their placement to advance the practice and development of O&G.

Travel must take place within 12 months of the award being granted.

Retrospective applications will not be accepted.

The winner is required to submit a short report within 6 months of completion of the Fellowship describing their experiences and what they learned. 

How to apply

This award is currently closed for applications. 

Applications were hosted on the Oxford Abstracts platform.

Please register for an account using your email address.

For further guidance on how to submit your application, please see Oxford Abstracts' guidance on making a submission.

How your application will be judged

  • Programme details
  • Objectives
  • Benefits
  • Letter of support confirming the placement from the host institution