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Lindsay Stewart Travelling Fellowship

The RCOG, with the kind and generous support of the Lindsay Stewart Foundation, is pleased to offer up to £2,000 for this travel award open to RCOG Fellows and Members in the UK.

Mr Lindsay Stewart, OBE, FRCS Ed (Hon), FRCOG(Hon) had a life-long association with the RCOG. He was a firm believer in continuous quality improvement in health services. He provided funding for the establishment of Lindsay Stewart R&D Centre to promote quality improvement tools for advancing standards of care in women’s health.


Up to £2,000


This award is open to RCOG Fellows and Members in the UK. The recipient is intended to develop new technical skills and knowledge while taking part in an overseas placement.


  • Applicants must submit an application demonstrating clear objectives and detailed information about the special area of interest where they wish to develop new skills and advance standards of care
  • They must also provide information about the work they will carry out and how it will advance the practice and development of O&G
  • Travel must take place within 12 months of the award being granted
  • The award holder is expected to provide a report within nine months describing their experiences and how newly acquired skills are being embedded in their clinical practice

How to apply

This award is currently closed for applications. 

Applications were hosted on the Oxford Abstracts platform.

Please register for an account using your email address.

For further guidance on how to submit your application, please see Oxford Abstracts' guidance on making a submission.

How your application will be judged

Your application will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Objectives of the programme
  • How new skills will enhance standards of care
  • Letter of support from the host organisation confirming the placement