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John Lawson Prize

We are pleased to offer an annual prize of £150, through the kind generosity of the late Mr John Lawson FRCOG, for the best article on obstetric and/or gynaecological work carried out in Africa between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.

Mr John Lawson FRCOG was a former Director of Postgraduate Studies and Vice President of the College. He was also Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Ibadan, Nigeria, and was renowned for his work in developing countries, particularly in Africa.


An annual prize of £150.


This award is open to members and non-members of the RCOG.


The record of work can be submitted by way of an original manuscript, adequately referenced and written in a format comparable to that used for submission to a learned journal, or by means of a reprint of the published article.

How to apply

This award is currently closed for applications. 

Applications were hosted on the Oxford Abstracts platform.

Please register for an account using your email address.

For further guidance on how to submit your application, please see Oxford Abstracts' guidance on making a submission.


How your application will be judged

You will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Research question
  • Literature review
  • Critical discussion
  • Clinical relevance
  • Level of involvement
  • References