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William Blair Bell Memorial Lecture

The William Blair Bell Memorial Lecture honours the legacy of William Blair Bell, the first president of the RCOG, and celebrates emerging clinician scientists whose research has advanced the field of women’s health.

This prestigious lectureship recognises excellence in research and clinical practice in obstetrics and gynaecology.

Below you can find further information about the lectureship, including how to apply and eligibility requirements.



The recipient will present a lecture on their research in any area related to Women's Health at the RCOG Annual Academic Meeting. The next Annual Academic Meeting will take place in 2026.

Eligibility and requirements

This lectureship is open to clinicians or scientists at any career stage between the award of their MD/PhD thesis and the completion of their second year as a Senior Lecturer or an equivalent (e.g., Clinician Scientist).

The proposed lecture should describe the applicant's personal research in Women's Health. It is also required that applicants declare that the lecture is entirely their own work and disclose if they have applied for other prizes for the same work.

Application process

Applications are hosted on the Oxford Abstracts platform. Please register for an account using your email address.

For further guidance on how to submit your application, please see Oxford Abstracts' guidance on making a submission.

This award opens on Monday 17 March 2025.

The deadline for submission is Thursday 15 May 2025.

For any queries, please contact:
