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National Clinical Impact Awards (Formerly ACCEA)

The National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIA) for consultants in England and Wales are designed to recognise clinicians who lead the way in the provision and improvement of patient care, demonstrating national impact by going above and beyond their roles.

In previous years, applicants had the option to secure a ranking and citation from the RCOG or other professional organisations to support their application. Following changes to the scheme,this is no longer the case.

Royal Colleges and other professional organisations may signpost applicants to supporting resources but are not permitted to edit, review, proofread or critique applications.

The application window for the 2024 National Clinical Impact Awards is now open.

For queries about the NCIA please contact ACCIA directly at

Further information and resources


Further details on ACCIA and the NCIA:


Contact and queries


If you have any queries for the College, please email 
