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Sims Black Travelling Professorship

This award supports institutes and groups outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland to invite RCOG Fellows and Members to visit their countries, contribute to postgraduate education and assist in developing programmes for the advancement of O&G either by lecturing, teaching or investigating/engaging in research.

The Sims Black Travelling Professorship fund was created in 1951 by Sir Arthur and Lady Sims, their daughter Mrs Margaret Black, and Messrs Cooper, Triffitt and Company. The fund has been established for the advancement of O&G in countries outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Upon completion of the visit, the travelling professor will submit a report on their activities to the College.

Eligibility and requirements

The College welcomes applications from O&G Colleges, International Representative Committees, professional bodies and groups, and similar organisations in the specialty. Applications must come from centres outside of the UK and Republic of Ireland.

The application must include details of the programme and schedule of activities for the proposed visit. Nominators may name an RCOG Fellow or Member in their application, but the College will ultimately decide on a suitable candidate and the length of their stay.

The College will determine the length of time for which a Travelling Professorship shall be held and shall determine the amount of funding to be awarded.

The fund shall not be used to support the presence of an RCOG Fellow or Member at international conferences.

How to apply

This award is currently closed for applications.  

Nominating centres are required to submit an application detailing:

  • the expertise required
  • the proposed dates of travel and the suggested length of stay
  • details of the planned programme of activity for the Sims Black Professor