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In order to keep their licence to practice in the UK, doctors must revalidate. This appraisal is a supportive and developmental process, it’s here to ensure that doctors are able to provide the best care and support for their patients.

What is revalidation?

The purpose of revalidation is to assure patients and the public, employers and other healthcare professionals that licensed doctors are up-to-date and fit to practise.

Doctors will need to demonstrate to the General Medical Council (GMC) periodically – normally every 5 years – that their practise is informed by current knowledge, skills and attitudes and they are fit to work. This is done with a revalidation appraisal, which ensures that all doctors understand and comply with the relevant professional standards.

What do I need to do to prepare for revalidation?

The RCOG have a range of information to help you get ready for revalidation:

Getting ready for revalidation
Use our checklist to prepare for revalidation and ensure you meet the GMC requirements for revalidation in your first cycle.

Revalidation for trainees
Get the right information for your career stage and ensure you understand the revalidation process for doctors in training.

Revalidation for SAS doctors
Find out everything you need to know as a staff or associate (SAS) doctor preparing for revalidation.

Further resources
Additional sources of information, including resources specific to Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland.

What is the role of the GMC in revalidation?

The General Medical Council (GMC) is the regulating body and the main driver for revalidation. They are responsible for setting the national framework for revalidation and for making revalidation decisions about individual doctors.

There are other stakeholder organisation who help shape the revalidation process. These include:

For generic advice on revalidation (for all specialities), you can visit GMC’s Revalidation page or NHS England – Medical Revalidation.

The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) have also prepared O&G-specific resources for Recertification.

CPD and Revalidation

Resources to support doctors through revalidation, CPD and appraisal
