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Designated bodies and responsible officers (revalidation)

This page explains what is meant by ‘designated body’ and ‘responsible officer’ in the context of revalidation, and how to identify your own designated body and responsible officer.

Who is my designated body?

Your designated body is the organisation that will provide you with a regular appraisal and support you with revalidation. You will need to ensure that the General Medical Council (GMC) knows who your designated body is.

For more information, visit the GMC’s My designated body page.

Who is my responsible officer?

Your responsible officer will make a revalidation recommendation about you on behalf of your designated body.

The NHS Revalidation Support Team, now part of NHS England, has produced Prescribed connections, a useful diagram that shows you which body you will need to contact to find your responsible officer.

Doctors with no designated body

If you do not have a connection to a designated body (ie, a UK organisation that can support you with revalidation), please see the GMC website for alternative revalidation routes:
