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Feedback (revalidation)

Details on ‘feedback’ in the context of revalidation, and guidance on how to prepare for this element of revalidation

You’ll need to collect feedback from colleagues and, where appropriate to your scope of work, patients at least once in every 5-year revalidation cycle. If you undertake clinical supervision and/or training of others, you’ll also need to provide feedback from your trainees/students or the results of peer review of your teaching skills.


Feedback from colleagues

You need to demonstrate that you have participated in a periodic formal colleague feedback exercise. This can be done using validated tools selected by your employer, or you can use the questionnaires published by the General Medical Council (GMC).

This exercise must be ‘in date’ when you are recommended for revalidation; that is, the feedback exercise must have taken place within the 5 years prior to your revalidation date. Your appraiser may sometimes wish you to undertake colleague feedback exercises more frequently than every 5 years, for example if your scope or place of work has changed since the previous exercise.


Feedback from patients

You need to demonstrate that, where appropriate to your scope of work, you have participated in a periodic formal patient feedback exercise. This can be done using validated tools selected by your employer, or you can use the questionnaires published by the GMC.

This exercise must be ‘in date’ when you are recommended for revalidation; that is, the feedback exercise must have taken place within the 5 years prior to your revalidation date. Your appraiser may sometimes wish you to undertake colleague feedback exercises more frequently than every 5 years, for example if your scope or place of work has changed since the previous exercise.


Feedback from clinical supervision, teaching and training

If you undertake clinical supervision and/or training of others, you’ll need to provide evidence of your performance at least once in every 5-year revalidation cycle. This could include the results of feedback from your students/trainees, or peer review of your teaching skills.


Find out more

For more information about the requirements for feedback, see points 3.4 and 3.5 of the O&G-specific revalidation resource produced by the RCOG and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC).
