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Review of complaints and compliments (revalidation)

Details on ‘review of complaints and compliments’ in the context of revalidation, and guidance on how to prepare for this element of revalidation


Formal complaints are expressions of dissatisfaction or grievance about you or your team, or about the care your patients have received from other healthcare professionals. You’ll need to provide details of all formal complaints received since your last appraisal.

In addition to a summary of the complaint, you’ll need to provide details of your personal reflection. This should cover how the complaint has been managed, any actions taken, the learning gained from the experience and, if necessary, potential items for your personal development plan.



You’ll need to provide a summary of any unsolicited compliments received from patients, carers or colleagues in recognition of the quality of your work or that of your team. You’ll also need to provide evidence of reflection, for example how compliments have affected your professional practice.


Find out more

For more information about the requirements for complaints and compliments, see point 3.6 of the O&G-specific revalidation resource produced by the RCOG and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC).
