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Revalidation for trainees

This section of the site brings together everything trainees need to know about revalidation.

Revalidation of a doctor’s licence to practise is designed to give patients greater confidence in the medical profession and to support individual doctors in maintaining and improving their practice. 

Starting from December 2012, doctors in foundation year 2 and doctors in specialty training need to revalidate, usually every 5 years. All trainees will be revalidated between 2012 and 2017. If your Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) date is between 2012 and 2017, you should be revalidated when you get your CCT.

Trainee revalidation FAQS

For trainees, the revalidation process will be seamless with your ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression). Your deanery will inform you if they need you to attend the ARCP panel, as is already the case. If you have satisfactory ARCP outcomes, it's possible that your revalidation will take place without a face-to-face meeting.


For trainees, your designated body (the organisation that will provide you with a regular appraisal and support you with revalidation) will be your Local Education and Training Board (LETB). Your LETB is assigned according to geographical location.

Your responsible officer (the person who will make a revalidation recommendation about you on behalf of your designated body) will be the Postgraduate Dean of your LETB.

Your ARCP panel will recommend to your responsible officer whether you can be revalidated. The revalidation decision is independent of your ARCP outcome.

Find out more about designated bodies and responsible officers.

The GMC will confirm this through your completion of the GMC Trainee Survey.

As a trainee, your revalidation will be seamless with your ARCP (annual review of competence progression). Please read the RCOG’s advice on preparing for revalidation as a trainee, which includes information about completing enhanced form R for your ARCP.

This field is designed to capture trainees who have already revalidated previously. For your first revalidation, please leave this blank.

Unless you’ve been advised of your revalidation date, please leave this blank.

This information is completed by your deanery. The GMC survey will use information provided directly to the GMC by your deanery.

Your employer will supply information to your LETB and deanery to inform the revalidation process via your ARCP. This will be provided under three headings:

  • Conduct/capability investigation:
    • Your employer will be asked to confirm whether you’ve been involved in a conduct or capability investigation
    • If so, your employer will advise whether this has been resolved satisfactorily, with no unresolved concerns about your conduct
    • If there are unresolved concerns, your employer will be asked to provide a brief summary and the anticipated date of the outcome of any investigation
  • Serious untoward incident/significant event investigation:
    • Your employer will be asked whether you’ve been involved in a formal serious untoward event/significant event investigation
    • If so, your employer will advise whether this has been resolved satisfactorily, with no unresolved concerns about your fitness to practise
    • If there are any unresolved concerns, your employer will be asked to provide a brief summary and the anticipated date of the outcome of any investigation
  • Complaints:
    • Your employer will be asked whether you’ve been named in a complaint
    • If so, your employer will advise whether this has been resolved satisfactorily, with no unresolved concerns about your fitness to practise
    • If there are any unresolved concerns, your employer will be asked to provide a brief summary and the anticipated date of the outcome of any investigation

Information will be collected twice a year, in April or November, or at an appropriate time for any ARCPs that fall outside these dates.

This will form part of your ARCP process, and you’ll be informed as part of your ARCP outcome.
