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CPD resources for international doctors

Resources for non-UK doctors who are participating in the College’s continuing professional development (CPD) programme.

RCOG events

International CPD participants aren’t required to attend an RCOG meeting. However, if you wish to do so, please search for relevant conferences and events in our events listing.

Other international events

The College doesn’t approve non-RCOG meetings for CPD purposes. You will be the best judge of what meeting or conference you need to attend to enhance your knowledge and skills and can claim CPD credits for learning from meetings and courses that you find educational and are held in your own country or world region.


The College recommends that Fellows and Members engage in audit. For more information, please read the RCOG’s Clinical Governance Advice No. 5: Understanding audit.

For additional information, please also read Let’s do audit (published by Cambridge University Press in partnership with the RCOG). If you’re in a middle- or high-income country, the resources available through the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) website may also be useful.

An audit of your practice or an audit of the unit where you work can be considered as a Specific Learning Event and 5 CPD credits can be claimed.

Guidance documents

You will be aware of the College’s guidelines and other guidance documents. If you think that College guidance is appropriate within your local context, you may wish to record your learning as an Experiential Learning Event.  You will need to use the Reflection Log built in the CPD ePortfolio to explain your learning from the guidance and whether you could make improvements to your practice as a result.

The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG)


To read the TOG articles online, please sign in to the College website, go to ‘My Account’, select ‘My benefits’ and then click on ‘TOG Online’

The TOG questions are located within your CPD ePortfolio.  2 CPD credits may be claimed for a successfully completed TOG article (70% correct answers). It is possible to claim further credits for reflecting on the learning from the TOG article and for demonstrating whether that learning has made some impact on your practice and/or the service that you provide. A Reflection log and an Action log are built within the CPD ePortfolio for this purpose.

Electronic Fetal Monitoring Programme (eFM)

You can claim CPD credits for successful completion of eFM assessments or case studies.

RCOG International Fellows, Members and Associates are able to purchase the eFM resource at a discounted price of £30 (instead of £100). Find out more about how to access eFM

RCOG eLearning

You may wish to work through particular areas by using RCOG Learning tutorials. You can claim 2 credits under ‘eLearning’ for completion of a RCOG Learning tutorial.

Find out more about eLearning for CPD
