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CPD Recommendations Report


Following the recommendations of the College reports ‘Tomorrow’s Specialist’ (2012) and ‘Becoming Tomorrow’s Specialist’ (2014), the College developed a new framework and recording system for CPD for UK and international Fellows, Members and Associates. This was approved by Council in January 2017 and rolled out to all CPD participants in August 2019. 

In line with the College’s strategic aim to develop the membership offering to best meet the needs of our members globally, the College was keen to ensure that the new Framework and ePortfolio met the needs of both users in the UK and internationally supporting the process by which doctors maintain and develop their skills to ensure women and people accessing obstetrics and gynaecology services receive the safest and best possible care.

CPD Evaluation Task & Finish Group

Two years from the launch of the new programme, the CPD Evaluation Task and Finish Group was established.

The purpose of the Task and Finish group is to:

  • Evaluate the 2019 CPD Framework and its implementation.
  • Assess whether the 2019 CPD Framework and its supporting resources are fit for purpose
  • Review the CPD ePortfolio platform and its ability to support learners
  • Review the feedback mechanism on the 2019 CPD Framework and CPD ePortfolio
  • Make recommendations to the PD Committee and Education Board on future developments to the CPD Framework and resources
  • Make recommendations to the PD Committee and Education Board on future developments to the CPD ePortfolio
  • Publish a summary of the evaluation and its recommendations to Members, Fellows and all CPD users
  • Consider issues of access to CPD
  • Ensure that matters of equality, diversity and inclusion are included in the evaluation of the CPD Framework.
  • The group has met every two months, and a series of activities have been organised to gain the insight needed to make formal recommendations relating to this work. 

Consequently, the group has compiled a CPD Recommendations report, summarising the results of their activities and outlining eight recommendations to enhance the CPD Framework and CPD ePortfolio, ensuring they are fit for purpose.
