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eLearning for CPD

RCOG Learning provides essential resources to support your professional development. 

Access to eLearning Resources

RCOG Fellows, Members, and Associates can access most content free of charge by visiting RCOG Learning. Trainees on the Trainees’ Register also enjoy selected free courses. All our courses are also available for purchase.

Key CPD content

Some of our most frequently accessed CPD content includes:

  • Core knowledge courses – 97 eCourses mapped against the core O&G curriculum which can be used by consultants to refresh knowledge or for teaching
  • Workplace behaviour and skills – eCourses covering non-technical skills, including human factors and improving workplace-based behaviour
  • Global women’s health – eCourses focusing on global neonatal and maternal health challenges and disparities and the significant threat posed by the climate and ecological crisis to global health
  • Supporting training and the curriculum – eCourses supporting training in O&G, including workplace-based assessment, a toolkit for Educational Supervisors and Curriculum-related guidance
  • Podcasts – insights from authors of The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG) articles and prominent figures in the O&G community and a collection of videos/podcasts relating to Genomics in O&G.
Clinical content hub

We have developed a hub of audio versions, bitesize video summaries and infographics based on our Green-top Guidelines and Scientific Impact Papers.
