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TOG CPD questions

Two CPD credits may be achieved for successful completion of the CPD questions provided in The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG), our quarterly CPD journal.

You will need to achieve 70% compliance with the authors and can attempt each set of TOG questions a maximum of three times.

Read TOG articles

To read TOG articles, visit TOG online (you’ll need to be signed in to the RCOG website).

Submit your answers to TOG CPD questions

To submit your answers, go to the TOG CPD questions section of the ePortfolio (you’ll need to be signed in to the RCOG website).

SBA questions

TOG also produces single best answer (SBA) questions for each article. These are a helpful revision tool as they are similar to the question format in the MRCOG exams. However, they are free to access for everyone, whether you are preparing for an exam or not. They can be found on the RCOG Learning website.

Contact us

For queries about your CPD, please email the CPD Office at  or call +44 20 7772 6307

For technical assistance with your CPD/Revalidation ePortfolio, please email the CPD Office at  or call +44 20 7772 6307

For questions about the content of TOG, please email the TOG Editorial Office at  or call +44 20 7772 6301

If you haven’t received your copy of TOG, please email the Membership team at  or call +44 20 7772 6248

Guide to CPD

Read our introduction to CPD and an overview of what CPD entails
