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Which ePortfolio should I use?

Decide which of the College’s two ePortfolios is best for you

Training ePortfolio

The Training ePortfolio is based around the RCOG core curriculum and logbook and contains all associated assessments. It is intended for specialty trainees working towards their CCT, but can also be used by doctors not on the O&G specialty training programme. 

You can:

  • Keep a record of your core, SIPM/SITM and/or subspecialty curriculum/logbook competences and associated assessments
  • Allow direct access for your Educational Supervisor(s) and College Tutor, so they can view and/or sign off your completed curriculum/logbook items and assessments
  • Use the ‘log of experience’ section to keep records of clinical procedures and reflections on clinical situations you have encountered
  • Send ‘ticket requests’ to assessors, allowing them to remotely complete assessment forms for any procedures they have observed
  • Upload course certificates to a dedicated ‘courses’ section
  • Upload other material relevant to your training to your ‘personal library’
  • Download details of any relevant curriculum/logbook competences and/or forms that you have completed in PDF format

You cannot:

  • Upload details of your professional development activities
  • Keep a record of CPD credits accrued

Access to the Training ePortfolio is available to doctors in training by subscribing to the Trainees’ Register. This has an annual subscription charge of £156.

Associate members do not receive access to the Training ePortfolio as part of their benefits. However, UK Associates can apply to access the Training ePortfolio for an additional fee of £38 per year. Before applying, we suggest that you discuss your needs with your appraiser or supervisor.

CPD ePortfolio

The CPD ePortfolio is designed for doctors not on the O&G specialty training programme (e.g., SAS and locally employed doctors). It supports them to remain up to date in an ever-changing medical environment

You can:

  • Plan your learning
  • Record your Learning Events and upload evidence
  • Log your reflections on the learning achieved
  • Log actions following your learning (for example, impact of learning)
  • Submitting your answers to the TOG questions
  • Downloading an output report between dates of your choice that can match my appraisal dates
  • The CPD ePortfolio can be used on mobile technology

You cannot:

  • Keep a record of your clinical procedures, competences, assessments or other training-related documentation
  • Allow direct access to your appraiser or supervisor

The CPD ePortfolio is a benefit of College membership: UK and International Fellows and Members can access the CPD ePortfolio at no additional cost.

If you do not hold the MRCOG Part 3 and wish to have access to the CPD ePortfolio, you can do so by becoming an Associate member of the RCOG. Find out more about Associate membership.



