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Exam policies

You’ll find our examination policies and processes detailed here, alongside instructions for moving forward with your appeal. These include: appeals, complaints, special or extenuating circumstances and reasonable adjustments.

  • Examinations appeals policy - The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is committed to delivering a high quality service. We recognise that errors can occur and that on very rare occasions our examinations can be subject to disruptions that may affect candidate performance. To ensure that all candidates are assessed fairly, there is a procedure to allow candidates to appeal against the outcome of their examination.
  • Examinations complaints policy and procedures - The Examination Department of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is committed to delivering a high quality service. However, we recognise that on occasion, our service may fall short of expectations. If you believe this has happened to you, you can use this Complaints Policy, which describes how to make a complaint and how it will be handled.
  • Examinations extenuating circumstances policy - Extenuating circumstances (EC) refer to unavoidable, unexpected, and uncontrollable events that significantly impact your ability to undertake or complete an examination. These circumstances typically affect candidates within three weeks prior to the examination but may also impact performance during the examination. Extenuating circumstances often include health issues or serious personal or family situations, such as severe illness or the death of a close relative.
  • Examinations reasonable adjustment policy - Candidates who require adjustments to any RCOG examination setting should first review our reasonable adjustment policy. Following this, submit your request to before the published closing date for the exam you are applying for. Requests submitted after the closing date will generally not be considered. Please note, a new request must be made with each examination application.
  • Managing disruption and incidents experienced at Pearson VUE Test Centres policy - If you experience any issues before and/or during the exam, including technical problems, noise disturbances or have any other concerns about your testing experience, you must raise your hand as soon as possible and speak to the invigilator. Pearson VUE will log all incidents a candidate raises and in turn will provide you with a case number. This case number must be quoted on all subsequent correspondence to the RCOG regarding the incident. Please note that any incident that you feel needs to be raised to the RCOG, must be done so within five days of the examination.