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Exams news and updates

News and updates on the RCOG's exams

13 September 2022

Following confirmation of the plans for the Queen’s funeral, we now know that this will coincide with the upcoming September diet of the Part 1 examination.

As the 19 September will now be a UK Bank Holiday, we have been informed that Pearson VUE test centres will be closed across the UK. Regrettably, this means that the MRCOG Part 1 examination on 19 September 2022 will be postponed for all UK candidates until Tuesday 17 January 2023.

In order to ensure no further candidates are disadvantaged by these unique circumstances, the Part 1 examination will continue to run in its global centres outside of the UK, for candidates around the world.

We do understand that this will have a significant impact on all candidates who were due to sit Part 1 next week and this will be incredibly disruptive for many of you. We recognise the huge amount of work, time and commitment that will have gone in preparing for this examination and we are deeply sorry that the examination cannot be delivered as intended. We hope you understand, however, these are circumstances very much beyond our control.

All UK candidates have been contacted directly with next steps. Please direct any queries regarding the rescheduling of a Part 1 examination place to the exams team via

Queries and contact

We are experiencing a high volume of queries. To ensure a timely response, we strongly advise all candidates to check the information on our Exams pages to see if your question is answered already, especially the FAQs pages:

If you still have any further queries, please contact us at and we will check and respond as soon as we can.
