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Launch of an improved candidate application process

April 2022

As part of our continued aim to improve the candidate experience through digital transformation, we are pleased to announce we are simplifying the application booking process for our exams hosted in Pearson VUE test centres (MRCOG Part 1, MRCOG Part 2 and DRCOG).

What is changing?

Candidates will no longer need to select an available country location and complete payment directly with the RCOG, before scheduling into available Pearson VUE test centres at a later date.

Candidates will now be able to search for available test centres, book and pay for an exam seat all in one seamless process – directly through the RCOG Exam Candidate Portal.

All exam fee payments will be managed and supported by Pearson VUE.

Eligible candidates, who have completed an Expression of Interest form for the exam they would like to sit, will be sent an email with instructions on how to complete an exam booking on the linked application opening date.

See timelines for all upcoming exams.

When will this change be introduced?

This simplified booking process will be in place from May 2022, supporting candidates booking into our MRCOG Part 1 and MRCOG Part 2 July 2022 exams.

What do I do if I have any issues completing a booking for an exam?

Pearson VUE will be managing exam bookings and exam payments, once the application window has opened.

Candidates should contact Pearson VUE in the first instance for advice and support.

Should candidates have any continued difficulties, which Pearson VUE have been unable to resolve, they should contact the RCOG via

See contact details for Pearson VUE’s regional customer service teams.

What happens once I have completed a test centre booking?

Candidates will receive a booking confirmation email from Pearson VUE providing details of the confirmed test centre booking along with instructions on what to bring on the day of the exam.

Candidates will also receive a separate email containing a receipt of their successful payment.

In what locations will test centres be available?

For the MRCOG Part 1 and Part 2 exams, places will be available in over 40 countries, providing greater flexibility and options to candidates.

Whilst we cannot guarantee all candidates will be able to find an available place in their country of residence, there are now a larger number of potential locations for candidates to choose from, which will support to limit travel time and costs.

Once the application window has opened for an exam, candidates can expand their search for available test centres by amending the City, State or Country information in the search bar in the RCOG Exam Candidate Portal.

If candidates have any difficulties in finding an available test centre, they should call Pearson VUE’s regional customer service team in the first instance.

The DRCOG is only available to take in the UK or Republic of Ireland. There are 137 Pearson VUE test centres across the UK and Republic of Ireland.
