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Assessment of Training (AoT)

The Assessment of Training (AoT) is a requirement for entry into the Part 3 MRCOG.

Before applying for the MRCOG Part 3 exam or MTI scheme, candidates must have had their training assessed to confirm their eligibility to register.

Before you apply: essential information

Before you start your application or plan your training assessment, please review the follow key points:

  • You can only apply to have your training assessed after passing the MRCOG Part 1 exam.
  • AoT applications can be submitted at any time, but approval must be granted before you can apply for the MRCOG Part 3 exam.
  • Please allow up to 4 weeks for your AoT application to be processed. Deadlines for exams are posted below.
  • Candidates who have had their Assessment of Training approved prior to July 2019 as part of their MRCOG Part 2 eligibility requirements do not need to apply again.
  • Before starting your application, please read our frequently asked questions on Assessment of Training.