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MRCOG Part 1 exam: how to apply

1. RCOG account

If you've booked or sat for an RCOG exam before, use your existing account. It helps us keep all of your information in one place.

If you do not have an RCOG account yet, you will need to create one to apply for and book an exam.

Register here

2. Apply for eligibility

Do I need to complete an eligibility form?

I am a new, first-time candidate:

I have previously sat an MRCOG exam (Part 1, 2 or 3):

  • NO, you are already eligible and do not need to complete another eligibility application.
    If you would like to sit the next available MRCOG Part 1, please express your interest here

I have applied and had my eligibility approved for a previous MRCOG Part 1 exam:

  • NO, you are already eligible and do not need to complete another eligibility application.
    If you would like to sit the next available MRCOG Part 1, please express your interest here

In order to sit the MRCOG Part 1 exam, you must submit your Part 1 Eligibility application by the appropriate deadline. Key deadline dates can be found here.

3. Expression of interest

For an opportunity to book into available spaces on the next MRCOG Part 1 exam, submit an Expression of Interest form, as outlined here.

Important: First-time candidates can submit an Expression of Interest form before the outcome of their MRCOG eligibility application

However, eligibility approval is necessary for booking a place when the booking window opens.

Candidates must submit a new Expression of Interest form for each exam opportunity. Previous submissions may not be guaranteed for consideration.

4. Search and book available Pearson VUE test centres

Eligible candidates who have submitted an Expression of Interest form will receive an email when the application window opens. This email contains instructions on how to book an exam place at Pearson Vue test centres.

Here's what the booking process will involve:

  1. Log in using your RCOG account email address and password
  2. You will be directed to the RCOG Exam Candidate Portal, where you can search and book available test centre spaces
  3. Note: the default search will show test centres closest to your registered address
  4. Spaces are limited and operate on a first-come, first-served basis. Availability at listed test centres is not guaranteed when you log in.

For additional details about our transition to computer-based testing, refer to our provided information.

Contact us

For further information, please read the MRCOG Part 1  FAQs.

If you have any questions then don't hesitate to contact us at  or call us on +44 20 7772 6210.

Please provide your College account number every time you contact us. This helps us verify who you are and view your history with the College, including examinations and events.
