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Assessment of training (AoT) application form

Before you begin:

Before you start your application, make sure you have the following items ready to ensure a smooth process.

Candidates in a recognised UK specialist training programme must be in intermediate training, at ST3 level or above, at the date of application for the Assessment of Training.

Here's what you'll need to get ready before you start your application:

  1. Your RCOG College account number
  2. Your General Medical Registration number
  3. Your National Training number

Candidates who are not in a recognised UK specialist training programme should demonstrate the following post-registration training:

  • a minimum of four years in obstetrics and gynaecology full-time or equivalent post-registration posts in the UK or overseas
  • this must include at least two years (full-time or equivalent) in the specialty within the four years preceding a candidate's initial application
  • a minimum of six consecutive months in any single post is required
  • all hospital-based overseas posts in O&G are accepted
  • training must be completed at the date of application for the Assessment of Training
  • flexible training in recognised posts is permitted provided approval of the College is obtained in advance
  • suitable training carried out before successful attainment of the Part 1 MRCOG can be counted towards the requirement

Here's what you'll need to get ready before you start your application:

  1. Your RCOG account number
  2. Your Medical Registration number
  3. A scan or photo of your internship/pre-registration certificate
  4. A scan or photo of your medical registration certificate
  5. A scan or photo of certificates/letters confirming each post-registration position

For these certificates/letters to be accepted they must:

  • be from your consultants-in-charge or Chair of the Division
  • be attested copies (not originals) with an ink signature by one of the following:
    • a Fellow or Member of the College
    • the university or hospital issuing the certificate
    • the British Council or your embassy,
    • or a solicitor
  • be on official hospital letterhead paper
  • state the title/nature and grade of the post
  • state the full, exact dates between which the post was held
  • not be contract or appointment letters

All documents need to meet the following requirements:

  • the documents must be in English, or be an authorised translation
  • the documents are legible
  • the scan or photo is taken from the original document (we cannot accept scans of photocopies)
  • the person certifying confirms (in English) by signing and dating the document that it is a true copy of the original
  • the name, signature and address of the person certifying is shown on the copy
  • the person certifying is not a relative of yours
  • the applicant cannot certify documents themselves
  • any documents submitted along with your application are retained by the Examination Department
  • forms where certification has not been submitted for all appointments will not be accepted

Processing time

AoT applications can be submitted at any time, but approval must be granted before you can apply for the MRCOG Part 3 exam.

Please allow up to four weeks for your AoT application to be processed. Check the key dates.

Need more information?

For further information, please read the MRCOG Part 3 FAQs.

You can download the form below:
