We’d to take this opportunity to congratulate all the candidates who’ve passed both Part 1 and Part 2 of their MRCOG.
As you prepare for your third and final exam, make sure you’re equipped with the resources and syllabus insights below.

The official MRCOG revision course is designed by experienced examiners to cover the full MRCOG Part 3 syllabus. We’ll cover all the necessary modules to give you the best chance of passing your MRCOG exam. Circuit practice included.
The next in-person and online revision courses are on Tuesday 25 - Wednesday 26 March 2025.

This course includes lectures and video demonstrations of structured discussions and simulated patient tasks to help you understand the MRCOG Part 3 clinical skills assessment oral exam.
This course is lecture-based and does not contain circuit practice.
The next course will take place on Friday 2 May 2025.
RCOG revision essentials
Above all else, the RCOG encourages all candidates to secure access to these two resources: the revision guide and our eLearning platform.
The MRCOG Part 3: Your Essential Revision Guide book is available from Cambridge University Press (see discount information below). Any trainee preparing for this third and final exam should review the contents of this resource. You’ll find written examples for each module, links to videos showing candidates attempting four real Part 3 tasks, examiners' comments, and a detailed discussion of each example. RCOG eLearning for MRCOG Part 3 gives candidates the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Clinical Assessment format and marking. Using interactive videos, a circuit of 14 tasks has been created to reflect a MRCOG Part 3 Clinical Assessment circuit.
The resource is available in the Exam Preparation section of RCOG eLearning. A sample video from the resource is freely available.
Register with the RCOG
We encourage all our exam candidates to register with the College, this will open up access to a range of benefits that can support your preparation. See the Trainee registration options detailed below:
Trainees appointed to a type 1 StR post in the UK Registration is mandatory until you’ve passed the MRCOG Part 3. At this point, you’ll be eligible for the full Member’s benefit package. |
Trainees appointed to FTSTA posts A Trainee membership grants you access to the ePortfolio, our training and progression tool. We therefore strongly recommend that you register. |
International Trainees and candidates It’s highly recommended that you join the College as an RCOG Associate member. The Trainee register isn’t available to our overseas candidates. |
Revision resources & support
In addition to the MRCOG Part 3 specific resources listed on this page, candidates should also continue to refer to the MRCOG Part 2 revision resources, which we’ve listed below.
Recommended reading list
This list has been compiled by the MRCOG Part 2 Sub-committee, for the reference of candidates entering into Part 2 or Part 3 of their exam.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology – An evidence-based text for MRCOG (3rd edition, published 2016)
David M Luesley, Mark D Kilby
ISBN: 978-1-4288-3382-7
Bonney’s Gynaecological Surgery (11th edition, published 2011)
Tito Lopes, Nick Spirtos, Raj Naik, John M Monaghan
ISBN: 978-1-4051-9565-2
Clinical Gynecologic Oncology (e-book, published 2017)
Philip J DiSaia MD, William T Creasman, Robert S Mannel, D Scott
ISBN: 978-0-3230-7419-3
Contraception: Your Questions Answered (7th edition, published 2017)
John Guillebaud, Anne MacGregor
ISBN-13: 978-0-7020-4619-3
High Risk Pregnancy: Management Options (4th edition, published 2011)
David K James, Philip J Steer, Carl P Weiner, Bernard Gonik
ISBN: 978-1-4160-5908-0
Handbook of Obstetric Medicine (5th edition, published 2015)
Catherine Nelson-Piercy
ISBN: 978-1-4822-4192-1
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation. Treatment Options and Risk Assessment (3rd edition, published 2014)
Christof Schaefer (editor), Paul W.J. Peters (editor), Richard K Miller (editor)
ISBN: 978-0-1240-8078-2
Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference (37th edition)
Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Sean C Sweetman
ISBN: 9780853699330
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (9th edition)
Richard J Martin MB FRACP, Avroy A Fanaroff MB FRCOP, FRCP CH, Michele C Walsh MD MS
ISBN: 9780323065450
Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (8th edition, published 2012)
D Keith Edmonds
ISBN: 978-0-4706-5457-6
Operative Obstetrics (2nd edition)
Larry C Gilstrap, F Gary Cunningham, J Peter Vandorsten
ISBN: 9780071212618
Oxford Speciality Training: Training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Ippokratis Sarris, Susan Bewley, Sangeeta Agnihotri
ISBN: 9780199218479
Other resources
- British National Formulary
- NICE guidelines
- RCOG Green-top Guidelines
- RCOG Scientific Impact Papers
- The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist(TOG)
Cambridge University Press discount
The RCOG works in partnership with Cambridge University Press to develop resources for exam candidates, trainees and Fellows and Members of the College. Fellows, Members and registered Trainees of the RCOG are eligible for a 20% discount on all Cambridge University Press Academic titles.
- For more information, news and announcements of new releases, please sign up to receive alerts directly from Cambridge
- For more details of books specifically designed to support MRCOG Part 1 candidates, please read the online brochure or visit the Cambridge University Press website
- To place an order, please visit the Cambridge University Press website
RCOG eLearning contains a single best answer (SBA) resource that provides invaluable practice in tackling SBAs for the MRCOG Part 1. You can find out more and purchase access via the eLearning platform.
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist contains high-quality peer-reviewed articles on O&G that aim to inform your clinical practice. TOG questions can help you assess your knowledge and structure your revision for the MRCOG.
Green-top Guidelines
Our Green-top Guidelines are a practical resource for all exam candidates. These papers inform the exam itself, so revising the Guidelines will really help you understand what the exam questions are asking and how best to answer them.
Our courses are structured to cover the full MRCOG Part 1 syllabus. We’ll cover all the necessary modules to give you the best chance of passing your first MRCOG exam. For details of these revision courses, see the RCOG courses listings.
Part 1 MRCOG: syllabus
The MRCOG Part 1 MRCOG covers the basic and applied sciences relevant to the clinical practice of O&G. In the PDF guide below, you’ll find a summary the syllabus, explaining what you will need to know for the Part 1 MRCOG exam.
MRCOG Part 1 Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and Knowledge Requirements are contained in the MRCOG Syllabus Curriculum 2019 document:
MRCOG Syllabus Curriculum 2019
For more detail about the content of each Capability in Practice (CiP), please visit the Current Core Curriculum page and read the Knowledge Requirements associated for each CiP.
Elsewhere on the site
Overview of the specialty training programme in obstetrics and gynaecology, including how the MRCOG exams fit in
The full specialty training programme in O&G – core modules, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic