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Advanced academic career posts (following a PhD/MD)

Clinical Lectureship (CL) - England and Northern Ireland

These are specialty training posts that incorporate academic training for doctors ST3 or above who have already completed a PhD or MD. These posts last up to four years with time usually divided equally between clinical and academic work.

Clinical lectureships allow trainees to complete their clinical training while pursuing postdoctoral research. These posts last up to four years when taken full time.

The time to CCT may be extended depending on each deanery and can be based on the percentage of clinical activities or can be competency based. CL posts are usually supernumerary on the rota.

Clinical lectureship posts offered vary across regions every year. Applicants should contact Local Education and Training Boards (LETB) for post availability and the NIHR/NIDMTA website. Applications usually open from March.

In Scotland the common pathway to a clinical lectureship is via a SCREDS Clinical Lectureship post (see below). However, there are still some post-doctoral clinical lectureship posts in Scotland, directly comparable to the rest of the UK. Potential applicants are advised to inquire locally.

Advanced Fellowships

These posts and are usually (but not exclusively) before the award of CCT. They are advertised by the funder e.g. medical research council, medical charities, the Wellcome Trust, the Chief Scientists Office, NHS Education for Scotland, and by universities. Registrars or consultants who have a research doctorate (PhD or a MD) are eligible to apply.

Senior Clinical Fellowships

These posts are advertised by MRC and medical charities and awarded to those with clear scientific independence. Appointees are generally post CCT.

Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant

These posts usually permanent university positions awarded following CCT to those with scientific independence.
