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Foundation years

Academic Foundation Programme (AFP)- UK-wide

Academic Foundation Programmes (AFPs) vary significantly between foundation schools, but most have dedicated academic time during the second year of foundation training (F2).

Trainees may have a four-month academic placement in F2, day-release throughout the year, or a combination of the two. They provide a fantastic opportunity to develop research skills, produce academic outputs and develop research networks early in your career, but are not a pre-requisite for securing a further academic post in the future.

The eligibility criteria for the Foundation Programme and Academic Foundation Programme are the same, therefore all final year medical students are eligible to apply.

Non-UK applicants and UK applicants who graduated more than two years ago will first need to submit an eligibility application to the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO).

Eligibility applications usually open in July, with applications in October in parallel with the Foundation Programme. Check the Foundation Programme website for up-to-date information.
