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Less than full time training and research opportunities (LTFT)

Following the publication of the Gold Guide (9th Edition, August 2022), the categories previously known as Category One, Category Two and Category Three for LTFT training have been removed. The new simpler process allows all doctors in training the opportunity to apply to train LTFT for any well-founded reason, including for their wellbeing or through personal choice. Information is provided by Health Education England. Section 3.123 of the Gold Guide provides a list of illustrative examples for requesting LTFT training, two of which are relevant to research:

  • Unique opportunities – A doctor in training is offered a unique opportunity for their own personal/professional development and this will affect their ability to train full time (e.g. training for national/international sporting events, or a short-term extraordinary responsibility).
  • Flexibility for training and career development with the option to train less than full time with flexibility that might enable development of a broad career portfolio.