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Research clinic

Research can be quite daunting, but sometimes you just need someone to talk through your ideas and help shape them into a service evaluation/quality improvement project or research proposal.

The RCOG Research Committee has now set up a Research Clinic to allow you to do just that. 

2025 clinic dates

  • Thursday 16 January, 7–7.30pm; 7.30–8pm (2 half hour slots)
    Application deadline: Thursday 9 January
  • Thursday 13 February, 7–7.30pm; 7.30–8pm (2 half hour slots)
    Application deadline: Thursday 6 February
  • Thursday 13 March, 7–7.30pm; 7.30–8pm (2 half hour slots)
    Application deadline: Thursday 6 March
  • Thursday 17 April, 7–7.30pm; 7.30–8pm (2 half hour slots)
    Application deadline: Thursday 10 April
  • Thursday 15 May, 7–7.30pm; 7.30–8pm (2 half hour slots)
    Application deadline: Thursday 8 May
  • Thursday 12th June, 7–7.30pm; 7.30–8pm (2 half hour slots)
    Application deadline: Thursday 5 June

Submission process

  • Please fill in the Research clinic application form 
  • Submit your completed research clinic application to
  • Applications will be reviewed a week in advance of your clinic by the Chair of RCOG Research
  • Once your application has been reviewed, you will be assigned a 30 minute time slot via teams