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Submit your research ideas

RCOG Research will provide:

  • a critique on research ideas
  • a feasibility assessment (through the NIHR), and can
  • enable links with funders to increase the chance of your bid being successful

In order to take advantage of this please follow the directions below to submit a PICO (Patient/population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcomes).

Submission Process

Reminder - The RCOG Research Secretary will send out a monthly email reminder to all Specialist Society contacts to submit research questions in the form of PICOs (Patient/population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcomes).

  • Form: Please fill in the PICO submission form
  • Submit: Submit your completed PICO form to the RCOG Research secretary via email to
  • Review: The PICOs will be discussed and reviewed at the following RCOG Research meetings against the assessment framework 
  • Feasibility: The submitted form will be assessed through the NIHR Clinical Research Network for Reproductive Health
  • Feedback: PICOs are reviewed and feedback given, RCOG Research will assess best fit with range of funders
  • Recommendation: PICOs are then recommended to funders to influence commissioned callsYou can view previous PICO submissions here
  • Funders of Research