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The Blair Bell Research Society 

The Blair Bell Research Society was established in 1962 by Carl Wood, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in London, and his colleague, Professor Jack Pinkerton.

The aim of the society was to provide a meeting place for those interested in the science of animal and human reproduction, where current research could be discussed. It was hoped that such work would be presented while it was still in progress, so that the final result would be improved by informal discussion.

The first meeting of the Society was held on 16 April 1962, with President of the RCOG, Sir Arthur Bell, in the Chair. It was agreed to name the society after Professor William Blair-Bell in honour of his work in the field of reproduction.

The current chair is Dr Jacqueline Maybin

Annual Academic Meeting

The RCOG holds an Annual Academic Meeting in March each year to showcase the best of research in O&G in the UK, from basic science to clinical trials. Here you’ll find information on the next meeting, reports from previous meetings and details of prize winners.

Annual Academic Award

Nominees are recognised for their outstanding contribution to the academic aspects of our speciality. The recipient will be invited to speak at the Annual Academic Meeting.
